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👉 Climate change and disease,, featuring Shouro Dasgupta (CMCC) – read here

👉 Are We Losing the Battle Against Mosquitoes? Kathimerini newspaper, featuring Dr. Antonios Michailakis, Head of the Laboratory of Insects & Parasites at the Benaki Phytopathological Institute – read here (in Greek)

Press releases

September 2023

PR01-23: Empowering Europe against infectious diseases: innovative framework to tackle climate-driven health risks
Read more

June 2022

PR01-22: Strengthening Europe’s resilience to emerging health threats
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Scientific publications

Decision-Support Tools to Build Climate Resilience Against Emerging Infectious Diseases in Europe and Beyond

The Lancet Regional Health – Europe
Published: 7 August 2023

Full text

Inequality and growth impacts of climate change—insights from South Africa

Environmental Research Letters
DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad0448

Full text

Field evaluation of an automated mosquito surveillance system which classifies Aedes and Culex mosquitoes by genus and sex

Parasites Vectors 17, 97 (2024)

Full text


March 2024

European Climate Risk Assessment (EUCRA) | EEA Report No 1/2024
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May 2024

The 2024 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change
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May 2024

Climate-Health Cluster publishes Policy Brief to safeguard public health
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May 2024

Lancet countdown indicators campaign
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Get to know the IDAlert project


Learn more about the project’s objectives, structure and partners

Read here

Case Study: Heidelberg, Germany
Learn more about Heidelberg as a case study within the IDAlert project.


Case Study: Rotterdam
Learn more about Rotterdam as a case study within the IDAlert project.


Case Study: Sweden
Learn more about Sweden as a case study within the IDAlert project.


Infectious disease indicators
First four climate-sensitive infectious disease indicators that IDAlert has co-developed for the European context. 


IDAlert’s Framework for Climate-Resilient Health Systems
Decision support tools and early warning systems to help decision-makers to timely respond to the emergence and spread of climate-sensitive infectious diseases.


👉 Download the Lancet Countdown Indicators
42 indicators highlighting the negative impacts of climate change on human health, the delayed climate action of European countries, and the missed opportunities to protect or improve health with health-responsive climate action.

⬇️ Download here

👉 Discover IDAlert’s 6 hot spots
Six climate-emergence hotspots, with different ecological settings and climate-induced disease threats, have been chosen to evaluate, design and test the IDAlert decision-support tools.

👉 Mapping the needs of stakeholders
A co-creation workshop between national level and local level stakeholders was held where stakeholders’ wishes and unmet needs were mapped to craft the tools and services IDAlert will create during the project’s lifetime.

👉 The importance of Citizen Science
In the IDAlert project, citizen science contributes towards studying, monitoring and fighting the spread of invasive species of mosquitos and ticks capable of transmitting diseases.




Coming soon…


Newsletter #1
December 2022 edition
Newsletter #2
July 2023 edition
Newsletter #3
December 2023 edition

Climatic health bulletins

Our quarterly Climatic Health Bulletins are directed towards medical and health practitioners. They will share information on seasonal disease risk indicators in Europe.

The first bulletin is planned to be released during 2025.

Climatic Health Bulletin #1
Release date: 2025
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