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Lancet Countdown Indicators

The 2024 Europe report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change

In 2023, record-breaking global temperatures highlighted the urgent need for climate action to prevent worsening climate-related health impacts. Europe, warming at twice the global average rate, faces significant health threats and unnecessary loss of life. The Lancet Countdown in Europe, established in 2021, aims to drive rapid health-responsive climate actions. Its 2022 report tracked progress using 33 indicators across five domains.

The latest report expands to 42 indicators, emphasizing the negative health impacts of climate change, the slow response of European countries, and missed health improvement opportunities. Enhanced methods and nine new indicators now address issues like leishmaniasis, ticks, food security, and emissions. The report also examines inequality and justice, focusing on at-risk groups in Europe and the continent’s climate crisis responsibility.

Explore the Lancet Countdown indicators

1.1.1 Vulnerability to heat exposure

1.1.2 Exposure of vulnerable populations to heatwaves

1.1.3 Physical activity related heat stress risk

1.1.4 Heat-related mortality

1.2.1 Wildfire smoke

1.2.2 Drought

1.3.1 Climatic suitability for Vibrio

1.3.2 Climatic suitability for West Nile virus

1.3.3 Climatic suitability for dengue, chikungunya and Zika

1.3.4 Climatic suitability for malaria

1.3.5 Climatic Suitability for leishmaniasis

1.3.6 Climatic suitability for ticks

1.4.1 Allergenic trees

1.5.1 Food security and undernutrition

2.1.1 National vulnerability and adaptation assessments

2.1.2 National adaptation plans for health

2.1.3 City – level climate change risks assessments

2.2.1 Climate information for health

2.2.2 Green space

2.2.3 Air conditioning benefits and harms

3.1.1 Carbon intensity of the energy system

3.1.2 Coal phase-out

3.1.3 Renewable and zero-carbon emission electricity

3.2.1 Premature mortality attributable to ambient fine particles

3.2.2 Production-based and consumption-based attribution of CO2 and PM2.5 emissions

3.3 Sustainable and healthy transport

3.4.1 Life cycle emissions from food demand, production and trade

3.4.2 Sustainable diets

3.5 Health sector emissions and harms

4.1.1 Economic losses due to climate-related extreme events

4.1.2 Change in labour supply

4.1.3 Impact of heat on economic activity

4.1.4 Monetised value of unhealthy diets

4.2.1 Net value of fossil fuel subsidies and carbon prices

4.2.2 Clean energy investment

5.1.1 Coverage of health and climate Change in scientific articles

5.1.2 Coverage of the health impacts of anthropogenic climate change

 5.2 Individual engagement with health and climate change on social media

5.3.1 Engagement with health and climate change in the European Parliament

5.3.2 Political engagement with health and climate change on social media

5.4 Corporate sector engagement with health and climate change

5.5 Media engagement with health and climate change

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