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IDAlert Poster Presentation at EGU24: Showcasing a Climate Services Platform

During EGU24, one of the leading events in the field of geosciences in Europe, a poster showcasing the platform that is under development in IDAlert by our partner BSC, was exhibited as part of the Climateurope2 project.

The annual conference, held in Vienna from 14-19 April 2024, brought together more than 19 000 delegates from over 100 countries. It provided an excellent opportunity to expand scientific discussions with researchers from all over the world.

Featured in a session dedicated to education and outreach titled “Telling Climate Stories: Platforms, Tools, and Methodologies for Accurate and Engaging Science Communication,” the poster illustrated the co-production process of climate services in the healthcare sector. It depicted how user perspectives and needs are seamlessly integrated, thereby enhancing service quality and relevance. With the aim of raising awareness among a wider audience about the importance of climate services, the illustrations offered tangible insights into their real-world impact.

The IDAlert platform was highlighted as an example of climate service delivery. This platform, currently in development, targets health practitioners and policymakers. It will consist of an early warning tool that provides seasonal indicators for climate change adaptation and mitigation to mitigate zoonotic disease threats in Europe.

Conference attendees positively valued the poster, given its attractive design and the interesting topics covered, in the framework of many other initiatives aiming at bridging the gap between science and society.

You can view the poster here

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